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Friends, over the years, we've developed a robust list of FAQ's and helpful info to help make your teatime awesome! 

If your question is not answered below, please reach out ♥ 




We serve only Afternoon Tea (a prix fixe menu - we do not split meals or offer only pots of tea) and reservations are required.  Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate walk-ins or same-day bookings.  No rez is needed if you'd just like to pop in to shop.  Click here to make a reservation

To be placed on the wait list for a particular date, or if you have trouble booking online, pls text:  617.775.9118.



Confirmation of successful online booking

Once you have made a reservation online, you will receive a text and email confirmation.  If you only receive confirmation by one method, there is likely a typo in either your email addy or cell number.  If you do not receive confirmation via either method, you do not have a reservation.  In either case, please text 617.775.9118 for assistance.




Our house is cozy; this means the largest pty we accommodate is six (6). We do not split larger groups over multiple tables or combine tables (our floor plan doesn't support this).  Please do not make multiple bookings for the same day/time hoping to combine them.  If you need assistance finding a table for your pty size (up to six), pls text, we're happy to help:  617.775.9118.   



Cancellation / Changes

  • 48 hours notice is required to cancel but seven (7) days (or longer, if possible) is appreciated. 

  • If you do not show up or if you cancel at the last minute, prepayment will be required for the missed reservation and for a future reservation.  To cancel, pls text (617.775.9118), email or call to leave a message.  Cancellations can not be done online. 

  • 24 hours notice is required for reduction in party size, or the current price pp will apply (and you will get to enjoy the extra food).  24 hours notice needed if you'd like to add an additional person, and is subject to availability.



Confirming your Reservation

At some point, usually during the week before your reservation, you will receive a text asking you to click a link to confirm your booking.  If you cannot make the link work, please text 617.775.9118 or email to confirm.  We will cancel a reservation if we cannot reach you to confirm it. 



Time of Arrival

  • We offer a 90-minute experience that begins and ends on time.  We ask everyone in your party to arrive ten-fifteen minutes in advance, so that your party is complete and seated, when Tea begins. 

  • Late arrival:  we do not accommodate excessively late arrival.   Significantly late arrival will mean the booking will need to be rescheduled and the usual fee per person will apply for the missed reservation.   If you or anyone in your party is traveling from a distance, it is a good idea to factor in extra travel time (determine how long the trip will take and add a half hour), in case of heavy traffic or an accident, construction etc.  On a long holiday weekend or if there is a concert happening at the Stadium in Foxboro, please plan for extra traffic. 



Cell Phones

It is polite to silence your phone when at Tea; We ask that you please step outside when making or receiving phone calls.




Afternoon Tea at Fancy That is for ages 12 and up, a practice that is not uncommon for places of retreat, such as B&B's, resorts, some cruises and tearooms across the country.  Our goal is to offer a relaxing and fun "time out" where you can check your cares and troubles at our door.  Many mums appreciate coming here for a bit of child-free time, along with an adult beverage, or two!  This policy applies to anyone under 12 yrs of age (i.e.  infants toddlers, newborns).  There are some fantastic options in the area for Tea with little ones; for a list by State, please visit



Contacting us

We are a small mom-and-pop operation, and this is part of our charm.  You will reach voicemail if you call.  Pls leave a message.  If you have an existing reservation and need to reach us asap, pls text 617.775.9118. 




Please see our monthly prix fixe menu for current pricing and what is included.  We do not split meals or offer only pots of tea.  Each guest receives our monthly menu at the cost shown, pp. 

dine-in guests who convert to to-go on the day of their reservation are charged the dine-in rate. 




A tremendous amount of love and effort goes into what we do.  Because we are human, mishaps may occasionally occur.  In the unlikely event that something is not to your liking, we will do whatever we can to rectify, but as my Mum always said, kindness costs nothing.  This means friendly feedback is always welcome, but pls leave ill-manners at the door.




A deposit is not typically required, although we ask everyone to be mindful of our cancellation policy.  If someone is a "no-show" or cancels at the last minute, we will require prepayment for a future reservation.



Dress Code

Some people like to dress up for Tea Time and some like to come dressed casually.  We accept one and all



​Gift Cards and E-Cards

  • Gift cards are not returnable and not refundable for cash, except as required by law:  In Massachusetts, re-loadable gift cards that have been partially used and have a balance of $5.00 or less, are redeemable for cash.  Our gift cards are otherwise not redeemable for cash. 

  • Gift cards are not traceable if lost.  Please snap a picture of the back of the card, so we can look up the number, should it be lost.

  • Because gift cards are not returnable, it is a good idea to consider a few things before you purchase (these are actual reasons given to us by people who did not want a gift card they received):

    • Does the gift recipient like Tea or Afternoon Tea?

    • Will our minimum age of 12 be an inconvenience?
    • Is the recipient a coffee drinker who will be disappointed? (we don't offer coffee)

    • Will the recipient be troubled to learn that there is usually a wait for a weekend reservation?

  • Ready to purchase?  You can stop by the shoppe to buy a physical gift card in person (we do not mail gift cards) or click the e-card link in the main nav menu, to send one to a lucky recipient, by email.



Food Allergies/Dietary Restrictions/Pls no outside food or Alcohol​

We are crazy about tea time and want to give you the best experience possible.  For this reason, please understand the following with regard to food allergies, dietary restrictions and special requests:

  • same-day changes to the menu cannot be accommodated; food allergies/dietary restrictions should be noted at the time the reservation is made.

  • Please no outside food or cake or alcohol.

  • We do not offer kosher options or halal food.

  • We cannot accommodate food allergies if they are severe.  Our kitchen is not free from citrus, corn, dairy, eggs, gluten, nuts, soy, wheat or other allergens.  Not everything is produced on site, and we can not guarantee against cross-contamination of any allergen.

  • We do not offer vegan options, or a menu that is free of collagen or gelatin, egg-free, dairy-free/lactose free or a menu that is low sugar, low sodium, low carb, or a menu that is guaranteed to be free from any of the following:  artificial colors (including red #40), sweeteners, dairy, citrus, corn, eggs, salt, soy, sugar or sulfaites or "natural flavors" (which is a broad term defined by the food and drug administration as flavoring "derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof."

  • Pork:   With notice, we can omit pork from sandwich fillings but we do not offer a menu that is free from animal enzymes, which may include pork derivatives.

  • Nut Allergy Warning:  we cannot accommodate severe nut allergies; If a person in your group has a peanut or nut allergy, in order to enjoy our food, they must be able to consume foods that come from a facility where nuts are processed.

  • Citrus Allergy Warning:  we do not offer a menu that is free of lemon juice or citric acid (lemon juice is an ingredient in many common items we use, such as jam and mayonnaise).

  • Special dietary requests such as gluten free or vegetarian, require three (3) business days noticePls clearly indicate how many people the request is for (e.g., "vegetarian sandwiches for two of the three of us"). 

  • When you request vegetarian, we will omit chicken, ham, pork and beef (we don't serve seafood) from sandwich fillings. we do not offer a menu free of gelatin, collagen or any animal enzymes.

  • Regarding GF:  for your safety, please understand the following:  we cannot accommodate celiac; we cannot guarantee against cross contamination; we do not provide tea sandwiches on toasted bread; we cannot prepare tea sandwiches (or any food) brought in by a customer.  GF is often served on the same plate containing all of our other food.

  • Not all dietary requests can be accommodated; certain requests may incur an additional charge;

  • if you have concerns about the menu not addressed here, please text Sarah in advance of making a reservation:  617.775.9118.




Please see our current list of adult beveragesPlease order any adult beverages (limit two per person) during the first half of your sitting.



Directions, Parking and Accessibility:

  • Parking:  We have a parking lot in the front and also behind the Tea House.  If you park in the back (accessed using the narrow driveway on the right hand side of the building), please feel free to enter through the back door (it's pink). 

  • Please do not park right in front of the front steps - this is a walkway, not a parking space, and it needs to remain accessible.  

  • Pls do your best not to inadvertently take up two parking spaces, as especially during busy times, all spaces are needed.

  • After your teatime has ended, please do not leave your vehicle here if you leave the premises to shop elsewhere in town or run errands, etc, as all spaces are needed for patrons arriving after you.

  • Accessibility  

  • Directions



Payment Methods and Pre-Payment
We accept cash, credit and debit (credit and debit preferred).  New reporting requirements by the state of MA makes split payments laborious to report; for this reason we would appreciate if you pay for your group using one payment method, and avoid multiple forms of payment if possible (not including gift cards or e-cards).  If you want to split the bill with your tea mates, you and they can still use our convenient online pre-pay option, which also offers a savings per person: 

online prepayment option.  We do not accept checks or payment over the telephone.  If you are paying for afternoon tea in person along with retail items, payment will most likely be completed as one transaction, on one receipt. Pre-payment is required for groups over four.



Purchasing Teacups and Donations of Teacups

We typically do not purchase china; please text or email to see if we are currently accepting donations.  Because we are for-profit business, your donation is not tax deductible.  If you would like a receipt for tax purposes, please consider donating to an organization that has been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS and is eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions.  Because we have limited storage space, pls do not drop off donations unless we have per-arranged an appointment.



​Seating Areas

We are not able to accommodate requests to be seated at specific tables/rooms.  If you are concerned about where you will be seated due to Covid and/or an underlying health condition, you may wish to consider our afternoon-tea-to-go options.



Private Events?

unfortunately, we do not host showers or private events.  see our catering recommendations.



Do you have Central Air?

Yes, this building has central air!  In the warm months, it's a good idea to have a light sweater or jacket with you, in case you feel chilly.



What if I don't like Tea?

Before you give up on Tea, try an herbal.  What is commonly referred to as Herbal “Tea” is not actually Tea, meaning it does not contain leaves from the Tea plant.  Instead, herbal “tea” can be a blend of various leaves, fruits, bark, berries, spices, flowers etc, belonging to almost any edible non-tea plant, and prepared like tea, but technically not Tea.  Common herbals include mint, chamomile and rooibos (pronounced:  roy-boss; an evergreen shrub from South Africa).  



Will you donate to my cause?

We receive lots of requests for donations, and while we cannot donate to every worthy cause, we enjoy picking one or two to support each year.  If you would like us to consider donating to your charitable cause, please email  If we choose to donate, we will reply.  Please:  no phone calls, text messages or in-person requests. 



Can we bring favors or gifts to open during Tea Time?

Of course!  Your sitting is 90 minutes, regardless of late arrival, and it can go by fast.  If you keep an eye on the time, and plan accordingly, you can make it work. :)  Here are some helpful tips:

  • Please be mindful of when your sitting ends

  • Our rooms are small, this means there is not enough room to accommodate large boxes, bags etc.  For your safety and ours, kindly ensure items are kept off of the floor. 

  • Our mini birthday tea cup dessert can be pre ordered.  Please inquire.  (we do not offer birthday cakes or full-size cupcakes).  pls no outside food or cake.

  • Our tables are small.  Once tea and food have been brought to a table, there is very little room left on the tabletop for extras such as favors, flowers, plants, etc. 

  • Unfortunately, we do not have space to store or hold any items in advance of your reservation - please do not drop off items in advance. 

  • Since our rooms are small, with relatively low ceilings, we ask that you keep balloons to a minimum.



Can I set up a tripod to take pictures during my Tea Time?

We love when people take pictures!  If you're hoping to bring a tripod, pls talk to us in advance, as our seating areas are small and there's not a lot of room (especially when we're decorated for Christmas) for anything placed on the floor.



Service with a smile and a bell on your table (there are no "servers" here)

There are no "servers" here - just your hosts, Sarah and the Tea Guy (aka the "Tea Team"), and as is not uncommon at many tea houses, we try not to interrupt your tea time.  For this reason, we do not visit your table often (typically just once, after your Tea and food have been served, and then once more, 15 minutes before the end of your sitting, to see if you need take-home boxes).  But we LOVE to be of service in the name of Tea, so we put a bell on your table for you to ring should you need something.  Regarding the bell, pls be mindful of the following:  If you need something and if it appears that we have not heard you ring (occasionally this happens) or in the unlikely event you can't locate your bell, please just come tap on the kitchen door (about 10 steps away from any seating area in the house).



What Teas should I avoid if I am pregnant or nursing?

If you are pregnant, nursing or have a health condition, pls consult a physician regarding which teas/herbals to avoid.



Additional Questions?

If you have a question not answered here, pls text Sarah @ 617.775.9118 (this is a text-only number and not for incoming calls)​​.


We look forward to welcoming you to Tea

Tea with kids
Teacup Purchases
Food Allergies
Reservations Requird
Seating Areas
Times & Duration
Dress Code
Gift Cards
Favors Balloons
Parking & Accessibilty
Paymet Methods
Cancelation Policy
Cell Phone Use
Reservation Changes
Early or Late Arrival
private events
own food
Central Air
gluten free
90 Minutes
Pregnant or Nursing
More Questions
Charitable Donation
Herbal Tea
request vegetarian
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